Moxie: (mäksē) noun Force of character, determination, or nerve.

Do you have Moxie by Nature?

Achieve your best results with Moxie.

Is your team surviving, not thriving? Do they have potential but can’t seem to achieve it? Are you looking for increased collaboration, performance, or engagement?

Tackle those challenges with Moxie - Gallup’s CliftonStrengths Tool identifies the strengths of individual contributors, and when considered from a team perspective, can be used to maximize individual and team performance, inform coaching and decision making, encourage intentional collaboration and improve employee engagement and retention.

Lindsay Pitstick, founder of Moxie by Nature, is a NACE Certified Career Coach and Gallup Certified CliftonStrengths Coach with more than a decade of experience with the tool. Lindsay offers individual coaching, team coaching and group workshops built to capitalize on what is RIGHT with you.

Learn more about Lindsay